Most companies occasionally find themselves in a situation where it is difficult to come to an agreement, for example with a customer or a supplier. Such disputes might relate to the quality or scope of goods and services delivered, pricing, or interpretation of a contract. In such situations, we can act as counsel in arbitration or court proceedings. With our experience in the field, we can also help you come to a solution based on mutual understanding with your counterpart.
Våra jurister
Andrea Anjou
+46 8 522 532 00
+46 70 769 19 50
[email protected]
Anna Tholander
+46 8 522 532 00
[email protected]
Carl Widstrand
+46 8 522 532 00
+46 70 213 22 86
[email protected]
Cornelia Berggren
+46 8 522 532 00
+46 76 492 12 30
[email protected]
Dan Bengtsson
Lawyer and Partner
+46 8 522 532 21
+46 70 789 12 20
[email protected]
David Rutegård
Lawyer and Partner
+46 8 522 532 00
[email protected]
Gustav Kling
Lawyer and Partner
+46 8 522 532 18
+46 73 280 43 40
[email protected]
Lennart Olsson
+46 8 522 532 00
+46 73 358 12 74
[email protected]
Linda Schenholm
Lawyer and Partner
+46 8 522 532 00
+46 70 570 44 21
[email protected]
Malin Sanderson
+46 8 522 532 00
+46 76 245 05 46
[email protected]
Nils Åberg
Lawyer and Partner
+46 8 522 532 15
+46 70 545 21 25
[email protected]
Peter Eriksson
Lawyer and Partner
+46 8 522 532 00
+46 70 545 21 76
[email protected]
Stephan Chaanine
+46 8 522 532 00
+46 72 601 38 11
[email protected]