About Carler
Here at the law firm Carler, we have in-depth knowledge covering many areas within business law. We have specialist knowledge in insolvency law, for instance related to bankruptcies and reconstructions.
We are large enough to be able to offer both broad and deep legal knowledge and small enough to maintain personal relationships with both existing and new clients. We always strive to achieve the best results possible for each client by being sensitive to their needs and desires. Our focus is on being a reliable business partner that helps each client see possibilities, even in situations that are unfamiliar or difficult for the client.
We welcome new ideas and constantly strive to lead the way, while also taking a sustainable and humble approach in how we conduct operations. This makes us an appreciated and strong business partner and employer.
As of January 2020, the law firm Carler operates as a true partnership. Our model means that all the staff, both lawyers and administrators, get a share of the firm’s earnings. This gives us a strong cohesiveness in the legal team, with all employees working together to offer our clients the service and quality expected of a modern and efficient law firm.
We are proud of the fact that our form of collaboration also means that we can distribute our assignments based entirely on competence, so that each of our clients is offered help by the legal staff who are best suited to manage their specific case.
Advokatfirman Carler
Kungsgatan 30
Box 7557
103 93 Stockholm
[email protected]
+46 8 522 532 00
Company registration number: 559188-5552
Phone hours:
9:00 AM to noon and 1:00–5:00 PM
Consumer Disputes Board
Legal firms have an obligation to inform about consumers having the option to contact the Swedish Bar Association’s Consumer Disputes Board (Konsumenttvistnämnden). More information on this can be found below.
The Swedish Bar Association’s Consumer Disputes Board can try disputes between consumers and a lawyer or law firm regarding a service that the lawyer or law firm has provided to the consumer, on condition that the client has first contacted the lawyer to discuss the matter and has tried to reach a solution based on mutual understanding. In this context, consumer refers to a natural person acting for purposes that fall outside of business or professional operations.
The Swedish Bar Association’s Consumer Disputes Board has the following contact information:
Sveriges advokatsamfund
Box 27321
102 54 Stockholm
08-459 03 00