Contact Us
Advokatfirman Carler
Kungsgatan 30
Box 7557
103 93 Stockholm
[email protected]
+46 8 522 532 00
Company registration number: 559188-5552
Phone hours:
9:00 AM to noon and 1:00–5:00 PM
Legal firms have an obligation to inform about consumers having the option to contact the Swedish Bar Association’s Consumer Disputes Board (Konsumenttvistnämnden). More information on this can be found below.
The Swedish Bar Association’s Consumer Disputes Board can try disputes between consumers and a lawyer or law firm regarding a service that the lawyer or law firm has provided to the consumer, on condition that the client has first contacted the lawyer to discuss the matter and has tried to reach a solution based on mutual understanding. In this context, consumer refers to a natural person acting for purposes that fall outside of business or professional operations.
The Swedish Bar Association’s Consumer Disputes Board has the following contact information:
Sveriges advokatsamfund
Box 27321
102 54 Stockholm
08-459 03 00